Coach: Hello, welcome to our coaching session. I’m here to support you in achieving your goals and overcoming any challenges you may be facing. Before we begin, please tell me what you would like to focus on today.

Client: Thank you for having me. I’ve been struggling with time management lately. I have so many tasks and responsibilities, but I find it difficult to prioritize and stay organized. I would like some guidance on how to manage my time effectively.

Coach: Great, time management is a common challenge. Let’s start by discussing your current routine and how you allocate your time. Can you describe your typical day and how you currently handle your tasks?

Client: Well, I usually start my day by checking emails and messages, but that often leads to spending too much time on unimportant tasks. Then, I try to work on my main projects, but I often get distracted by social media or other non-essential activities. By the end of the day, I feel overwhelmed and realize I haven’t accomplished much.

Coach: It sounds like there are some areas where you can make improvements. Let’s work on creating a more effective time management plan. First, let’s identify your most important tasks and goals. What are the key priorities you need to focus on?

Client: I have a few main projects at work that require my attention, and I also have personal goals, like exercising regularly and spending quality time with my family. Additionally, I need to allocate time for self-care and relaxation.

Coach: Excellent. Now, let’s break these priorities down into smaller, actionable steps. For each goal or task, what are the specific actions you need to take to make progress?

Client: For my work projects, I need to break them down into smaller tasks and set deadlines for each. I also need to schedule dedicated time for exercising and family activities. And for self-care, I could allocate a specific time each day for activities like reading or meditation.

Coach: That’s a great start! Now, let’s talk about the challenges you face in managing your time. What are the common obstacles that prevent you from sticking to your plan or staying focused?

Client: One major challenge is distractions, especially from my phone and social media. I also struggle with saying no to additional tasks or requests, which often leads to overcommitment. Finally, I sometimes lack motivation and find it difficult to get started on tasks.

Coach: These are common challenges, and we can work on strategies to overcome them. To address distractions, we can explore techniques like setting specific times for checking messages or using productivity apps to limit access to certain websites. For managing commitments, we can develop your assertiveness skills and practice saying no when necessary. And for motivation, we can discuss techniques to boost your motivation and maintain focus.

Client: That all sounds helpful. I appreciate your guidance. How can I hold myself accountable to the plan we develop?

Coach: Accountability is crucial for success. We can explore different accountability methods, such as setting regular check-in sessions where we review your progress and make any necessary adjustments. Additionally, you can track your tasks and goals using a journal or an app to monitor your progress and celebrate your achievements.

Client: I like the idea of regular check-ins and tracking my progress. I think that will keep me motivated. I’m excited to implement these strategies and make positive changes in my time management.

Coach: I’m glad to hear that. Remember, change takes time, so be patient with yourself. It’s okay to make adjustments along the way. Is there anything else you’d like to discuss or any other questions you have?

Client: No, I think we covered everything for now. Thank you so much for your guidance and support.

Coach: You’re welcome! It was my pleasure to assist you. I look forward to our next session. Keep up the great work, and feel free to reach out if you need any further assistance between our sessions. Have a productive day!

This is just a sample coaching session to give you an idea of how it may flow. The actual coaching sessions may vary depending on the individual and their specific goals and challenges.

Our “Molecules of Emotion”


Science has proven that behaviours and habits will only change if there is a physiological shift in our “thinking cells”.

Candace Pert is a groundbreaking neuroscientist and research professor, credited with the discovery of the opiate receptor.

Candace, a pioneer in the field of emotions, is the author of “Molecules of Emotions”.

And she says:

“The brain’s only food is glucose, which is carried to the brain in the blood. Blood flow is closely regulated by emotional peptides (ligands) which signal receptors on blood vessel walls to constrict or dilate, and so influence the amount and velocity of blood flowing through them from moment to moment…if our emotions are blocked due to denial, repression, or trauma, then blood flow can become chronically constricted, depriving the frontal cortex, as well as other organs, of vital nourishment.

This can leave you foggy and less alert, limited in your awareness… to make decisions that change physiology or behavior.

As a result, you may become stuck – unable to respond freshly to the world around you, repeating old patterns of behavior.”

Pert suggests that by learning to bring our awareness to past experiences and conditioning – memories stored in the very receptors of our cells – we can release ourselves from these blocks, this “stuckness”.

At CLI, we say that we “pop receptors”. (In reality, there is no “popping”. CLI(Coaching and Leadership International Inc., Canada) uses this term figuratively to describe the biological shift in the brain.) In other words, Power Coaches are well-trained in how to be great listeners and how to ask questions in the right order to create that physiological shift in one’s thinking. The Science of Mind-Kinetics within Power Coaching tools allows thinking cells to finally receive oxygen and glucose perhaps after years of being undernourished.

Our Clients begin to have greater clarity, develop solutions faster and become “unstuck”. Power Coaches are trained to identify when a physiological shift takes place.

Old negative patterns recede and are replaced by new positive ones.

You have to experience it to believe it.

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